Tuesday 22 March 2011

I closed the gas cap on your BMW - m4w - 28 (grand/lejune and us1)

Love is a full tank of gas… From craigslist Miami:

This is crazy but I saw you pumping gas today and you caught my eye. As I walked out of the gas station I noticed that your gas cap was open, so I ran over to your window. You almost ran over my foot, but you finally noticed me and let me close it for you. Somehow, about ten minutes later I ended up behind you on us1 and we seemed to be following each others moves for a while. We followed each other all the way to South Miami, and it seemed like you pulled down a side street so we could talk. Unfortunately, I didn't turn and I am still kicking myself for it. I drove around looking for the U sticker on your car, for about 20 minutes, but I couldn't find you. I remember what you were wearing, so if you read this please respond with your outfit. This would be an incredible story.

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